What Should You Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit?
May 4, 2022

If you experience a sudden and intense mouth issue, you might think you need the emergency room. A hospital full of doctors, nurses, and technicians could sound more reassuring than a small dental practice. However, your first choice for treatment ought to be your local emergency dentist. They can address your urgent oral care quickly and effectively. As proof, here are three things you can expect from your emergency dental visit.
(more…)Things You Should Never Put in Your Mouth
April 29, 2022

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining proper oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth are paramount, as is regularly visiting the dentist—but good habits aside, you also need to refrain from letting certain objects enter your mouth. Even though some foods and consumables can be irresistibly tempting, you should heed your dentist’s advice; after all, they’re the expert! Here are a few things, some of which aren’t even foods, that you should avoid putting in your mouth entirely to prevent a dental emergency.
(more…)5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Your Dental Hygienist
March 4, 2022

Dental Hygienist Week is a time to be thankful for your dental expert and all the work they do! Not only do they help keep your teeth clean and fresh with preventive care, but they do much more than you might realize. After all, they’re one of the first people to see you during your dental appointment and strive to make the experience an enjoyable one. Read on to learn five reasons to appreciate your dental hygienist!
(more…)What Can You Expect Dental Implants to Feel Like?
February 4, 2022

Have you lost one or more of your teeth and are looking for the best way to replace them? If so, then you’re probably aware that dental implants are the most sought-after method for getting your teeth back. However, you may have concerns about what to expect with them and how they work. Read on to learn what dental implants in Fort Worth are and what it’s like to have them.
(more…)How to Transition from Dentures to Dental Implants
January 6, 2022

Are you eager to say goodbye to your traditional dentures? While they can be an excellent solution for people who are missing most of or all of their teeth, there are still plenty of things about them that patients find frustrating. The good news is that they aren’t the only solution to tooth loss out there. That’s why more than 3 million Americans are already benefiting from dental implants, and many more are ready to make the switch. Read on to learn about some of the benefits of dental implants and some tips to help you adjust quickly.
(more…)5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile
December 9, 2021

At the end of every year, people around the world look back at what they accomplished in the last 365 days and ponder what they’d like to accomplish during the next trip around the sun. Resolutions are a popular way to set goals and determine what you want to have accomplished by the end of the next year. If you’re struggling to come up with New Year’s resolutions, read on for five ideas that will help you achieve a bright, healthy smile.
(more…)What Thanksgiving Foods Might Stain My Teeth?
November 4, 2021

The meats, the sides, the desserts – what a feast! For many people, Thanksgiving is one of the best eating days of the year. Especially if it’s a large family gathering, there can be an overwhelming number of foods to try.
One thing to be aware of is how some Thanksgiving foods and beverages can stain your teeth. Keep reading to learn some foods to watch out for, different ways that your teeth can become discolored, and how you can whiten your teeth.
(more…)6 Tips for a Healthy Smile During National Dental Hygiene Month
October 6, 2021

The air is crisper, the leaves are changing colors, and October is officially upon us. Do you know what that means? It’s National Dental Hygiene Month! Even though you should be practicing proper dental care year-round, this month is a perfect time to be more aware of your oral health habits. In honor of this special time of the year, here are seven oral hygiene tips you should consider incorporating into your daily routine.
(more…)Why Maximizing Your Dental Insurance Benefits Is a Must If You Have an Autoimmune Disease
September 30, 2021

In a perfect world, your immune system would fight off illnesses without also damaging healthy cells. But if you have an autoimmune disease, then you know that’s not always the case. As tough as it is to live with any of these conditions, they can also negatively impact your teeth and gums. If you want to maintain a healthy smile, you should schedule a dental checkup before 2021 ends. If you have dental insurance, it can even save you money! Read on to learn how.
(more…)Dental Implant Surgery: When Can I Return to Work?
August 10, 2021

Undergoing dental implant surgery is an invasive process that requires ample time to recover. While you may not necessarily need to be laying in bed or on the couch for weeks at a time, it is important that you give your body the time it needs to heal properly. Otherwise, you can be faced with serious complications that are not only timely but costly to treat. Here are 4 factors that will ultimately determine when you can plan to go back to work and resume some level of normalcy after having your dental implants put into place.