What Should You Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit?
May 4, 2022

If you experience a sudden and intense mouth issue, you might think you need the emergency room. A hospital full of doctors, nurses, and technicians could sound more reassuring than a small dental practice. However, your first choice for treatment ought to be your local emergency dentist. They can address your urgent oral care quickly and effectively. As proof, here are three things you can expect from your emergency dental visit.
A Fast, Same-Day Exam
Because dental crises are time-sensitive, most emergency dentists offer same-day appointments. Some even instruct you on first aid and pain management before your visit. They provide this immediate attention to treat patients as best they can.
Soon after entering their office, your emergency dentist will examine the problem area. They’ll look for signs of chipped or cracked teeth, gum disease, cavities, exposed nerves, etc. Because their main focus will be the current emergency, they won’t be considering underlying issues at this point.
If necessary, the dentist may also ask you about your medical history and current medications.
(Temporary) Dental Treatment
After diagnosing the condition’s source, your dental practitioner will relieve any discomfort. For example, they could numb the affected area with an injection. They could also give you painkillers to use after you leave. In more extreme circumstances, they might need to perform a root canal or deep cleaning.
Your dentist may be unable to treat your problem in a single visit. Instead, it’s possible that they’d prescribe you some antibiotics to take before a follow-up appointment. Issues revolving around broken teeth or damaged restorations would also need multiple sessions.
Sedation Dentistry
If your condition is painful or treatment would take extended time, your dentist would probably sedate you before surgery.
That might mean undergoing nitrous oxide sedation, which would involve inhaling a clear gas that causes you to feel relaxed and euphoric. While you’re in this latter state, your treatment experience will be highly comfortable. As such, the gas is often considered ideal for urgent emergencies.
Another possibility is oral conscious sedation. This technique would have you take a sedative an hour before your visit, helping you relax for the appointment. You’d still be aware and responsive to others, but time would seem to pass quicker.
Dentists are capable of more than just teeth cleaning or whitening. The items above show that they’re trustworthy experts who can resolve teeth and gum emergencies.
About the Practice
Harris Parkway Dental Care offers excellent and passionate dental services for Fort Worth, TX and the surrounding communities. With their expert team of dental hygienists, they provide a wide collection of treatments, from dental checkups to emergency care. If you want to know more about your dental hygienist, visit our website or call us at 817-423-2223.
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